MONEY: The 12th and Final Religion

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Emma says there are NO ENGINES

Our blog reader Emma of Kazabazua, in deep trance channel mode visits us. In a distant life, she was Queen Juana of Castile, the first woman Jesuit at the 1555 Vatican. The unkind called her Loco Lola. Although ungracious and lacking charity, the slander of Loco Lola might be deserved.

Loco tells us that she has been trying to remote view the four 757 aircraft that were destoyed on 911. No luck, she says. There is no trace of any of the 8 engines at any of the crash sites. Loco Lola has a special affinity for jet engines. She claims to have worked as a design engineer on the German WW II ME 262 Jet Fighter, and flown with Hanna Reich, Hitlers favorite woman pilot. The jet engines are indestructable by impact, she says. Never before have jet engines gone missing at a crash scene, she says. Yikes! We recoil.

In her hyptnotic state, Loco is unaware of the possible consequences of what she is implying. If there are no engines, there could be no planes. With no planes there would be no passengers and no explanation for the saga of FAA bungling or NORAD stand down. Yikes! Double even triple Yikes! We tremble at the truth that 911 was virtual reality to cover billion dollar building demolitions and conceal a $2.5 Trillion US dollar heist by a 16 foot "smart bomb" hole at the Pentagon. It must be a miracle that the Jesuit Order survived this woman. Given her altered state, we auto suggest that she change the subject. Maybe she could remote view stock markets or politics.

Politics was a bad suggestion. Loco rose from our divan, turning in a diaphonous swirl, she kept time to music of her own mind. Clearly, she had time traveled to be back in Washington in the company of US Presidents past and present. They were preparing to go to Hunstsville, she whispered in deep confidence, suggesting secrets.

We have heard that Huntsville is where NASA does mind control for humans to be exchanged for ETs. Telepathically reading our mind Loco, says six months in Huntsville and you are TOTALLY programmed for outer space, or she giggles from secret knowledge, to be President of the US. Instantly, we think of 2nd Lt George Bush, New England Prep Schools, Ivy League Grad, AWOL in Huntsville for six months, now in "good ole boy" stance uttering with a phony Texas accent.

In urgent voice, we call Willard of Kazabazua. He is close with Loco, oops I mean Emma. A man of 1000s of Masses and Rosaries beyond count, with neighborly qualities approaching perfection, always on the look-out for Nazi War criminals, we hope his familiar voice can de-channel Emma back to real time and out of our office.


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