MONEY: The 12th and Final Religion

Thursday, June 01, 2017


The elected government of US is in conflict with itself. The struggle is reported as evidence of entrenched powers resisting the elected president. This hidden cohort of power is called the Deep State. It has allegedly ruled since the assassination of JFK and the later purge of Richard Nixon. Both men challenged corporate power and the monopoly existence of the federal reserve control of the US money system. Banks, Industry and commerce along with their client intelligence agencies tremble at the prospect of representative government intruding into the Deep State.

The political Deep State of finance and industry and commerce and secret agents is best understood from an obscure Bible reference to the Great Merchants. There is mention in Revelation how the Great Merchants fail. These are supposed to have ruled the world in a Deep State of ancient times. They controlled everything but fail in one hour.  Little else is reported in Revelation comment.

The story describing the routines of power of the contemporary US Great Merchants of the Deep State is told in two books, both available on pdf $10,00. MONEY The 12th and FINAL RELIGION and THE AMERICAN CALIPHATE of BIZWOG (British-Israel Zionist World Occupation Government)

The average American tends to think the middle class is the primary concern of the great merchants. These provide the steady supply of goods and services. It used to be the case until market research of the 1970s when the Great Merchants made a shocking discovery. The population most responsive to advertising and promotion and trying of new products were homosexuals. Personal insecurity was diminished by product brand names.

This group was followed by blacks, mixed race couples and Asians. Mexicans and white women easily surpassed straight white men as responsive customers. Decades of concentrating merchandising strategies and messages on straight white males had been error. The wave of the future was with homosexuals, blacks and mixed race couples. The social chemistry for a new world order was unveiled. It was called lifestyle marketing.

Further study revealed that a useful model to represent the character of the US consumer was a McGoo cartoon. Very popular in children's TV programs at that time, the McGoo figure had limited vision and was disposed to misinterpreting his way among obstacles. Consumer purchasing attitudes could be measured in how they responded to McGoo cartoons.

My advisor and trance medium Emma, in past life was first woman Jesuit at the 1555 Vatican, says marketing research has advanced into the dark reaches of mind control. Particularly beneficial has been how opinion polling has been discovered as a choice restricting technique.  They call her Loco Lola at the Vatican.

Carefully designed polls reduce and sometimes eliminate entirely the true spectrum of possibilities. They result in guided choices. These make possible the construction of a controlled opposition. Critically important for the Deep State to control politics. This is not a new phenomena, Loco says. It has been around since Abram came from the other side of the flood to meet Melchizedek and be renamed Abraham, Loco offers.

One might conclude that the Great Merchants are in the genealogy of Abraham without being defined in that Illuminati fabricated literary excreta widely known as the King James Bible, she murmurs. I observe that the tradition of Great Merchants might be summarized as one of colossal economic screw ups. 

The more far reaching the global grasp of the Great Merchant the greater the economic implosion. The conclusion might be that left to their own means without the limit of existing for the service of the people rather than share price the Great Merchants self destruct on a massive scale. Too bad the Book of Revelation is silent on the cause of that first demise of the Great merchants. Some times Loco Lola is not much help.

She seems to be in swoon now humming a baby Jesus loves me song. Must be space ships in the vicinity when she gets like this. Loco says that because of control of media and all commercial semiotic symbols by the Great Merchants the individual barely has any self left. It is nearly inconceivable that an individual can have an idea from their own imagination, she says.

She says the crux of the struggle between the Deep State and elected president is about who will control the Break with the past. How will traditional household mores of man and wife be replaced by cosmopolitan lifestyle marketing..The Great Merchant, Deep State, favor for the life style marketing requires dismissing decades perhaps centuries of cultural mores, habit and tradition. All was going well on the way to changing key consumer attitudes including such changes as same sex toilets in stores. Then there was the arrival of counter ideas through so-called social media.

Preliminary findings suggest that the elected president and his use  of the new factor of social media is perceived by the Deep State great merchants as a barrier to a break with the past.His intrusion into daily media issues is unpredictable. The attitude  change procedure for a clean break with the past requires unchallenged government support of advertising and news media content. 

This allows brand names to lead the way to the changing of consumer personality. President Trump either does not know how he disrupts the master plan for a break with the past or is driving a counter move to take control from the past century of Great Merchants. Loco speculates about a demise of the Deep State. I fibulate with the prospect of a brute serious Kulture Kampf by groups who do not understand the root issue. Who is to control the break with the past?

Tuesday, May 02, 2017


It is reported with some pentagon enthusiasm that Murika has exploded the largest non nuclear weapon ever exploded on a hill in Afghanistan. They call it the mother of all bombs. Reports tell about 11 fuzzy wuzzies herding their goats nearby that observed the blast kill about 11 more fuzzies that were on the hill. Names withheld because no one knows if they really existed and there were no identifiable remains. Possibility exists that missing fuzzies escaped except four year old not fast enough to get off the hill by dodging aircraft sound before the blast

Washington still mystified by question why Murika is viewed world wide with revulsion, fear and hate except for Israel, says my advisor and deep trance medium, Loco Lolla, first woman Jesuit in past life at 1555 Vatican. Need more mind control and brand management for US as product reports Tev Aviv to major legacy media of press, TV and Radio and hollywood. Latest micro chip tech and mind control can also be useful on selected individuals they report in secret cables to Trump Whitehouse. Loco says they should be using tweets. Cables obsolete, she reports.

Our good Prof. C More Books shrugs indifference to reports of Murkas exceptionalism and military supremeness. He says Murikkans are mind warped. No universal health care for the nation but have more bombers, bombs and rockets per capita than the rest of the world combined. A defective system running amok, he says.

We caution the Prof about being politically incorrect. Who knows how this Trump administration will react to the frustration of having their policies bungled by the deep state. Remember the Reagan Buck Fush gang built all the 107,00 stainless steel windowless railcars with manacles on seats and floor to haul  148 dissidents per car. Buck Wheat staffed the FEMA camps ready to empty the cars. Patriot Act is at the ready to deal with people of opinions.

The Montreal market Medium all knowing about markets and finance says not to worry. Hard times in murikka will never again be manifested in the stock market. The fed has been restructured to be the opposite of its original design Originally it was prohibited from direct purchase of corporate securities in the market now it exists to purchase as needed to support price, any amount of corporate paper. In theory the fed can create any amount of money to support any market price level. This is economic nirvana, he says. 

The risk is that the Trump insiders will lose self control and go to excess in mobilizing their connections to get money to cripple and acquire competition. Massive fortunes to be made in this administration, he says. The personal hate for Trump as a personality will obscure real issues from understanding by opposition. 

Clinton democrats will abandon pedophilia in favor of money possibilities offered by Trump incentives for cooperation. It truly is a revolution, he says. But he doubts Murrikann power structure can hold together without pedophilia and sexual deviance as controlling bond, speculates the Montreal market Medium.

Our circle of intellectual curious is appalled at these mutterings. Although it is after lunch and the bar liquid oder comes to the room from the breathing of the Medium.

Friday, April 07, 2017


It has been reported that the US Executive is a product of hollywood preconditioning. Pres. Buck Fush was a make believe John Wayne figure.  Obama was the by product of years of watching the little rascals movies and little darky character Buckwheat. No one will make presidency of the US that does not have decades of Hollywood conditioning. Some say Nixon was Bogey wannabee.

The proof is in the Donald Trump presidency. Here we have a Disney selection. Donald could easily be a Quick Draw Mcgraw figure. Hasty to blast when he is confused by Syrian circumstances. Or he could be one of the characters from the cartoon Road Runner moving at velocity from crisis to crisis, mostly self made. The jury is still out.

It is national misfortune that the nation is directed through the special committee of national security and other CIA groups in affiliation with their BIZWOG control. BIZWOG is British-Israel Zionist World Occpation Government. Often mistaken in conversation as Illuminati or Masons or Vatican or Military industrial complex. 

The  BIZWOG through its hand crafted guidebook called King James Bible has held power for generations through the mental infection we call Anglo-Hebraic banking or international stock exchange finance. Two books will help understand this centuries old mental habituation. Read MONEY The 12th and FINAL RELIGION and THE AMERICAN CALIPHATE of BIZWOG; The final world order.

These two books help unveil the Moloch, god of perpetual debt, money at interest, and stock exchange (Mortgage swindle) finance These books supported by you tube videos tell the scripture report of the 273 men who were more than Levites. A cohort specially selected to infect human thought with weird beliefs. For example unlike anything else on the planet money is taught that it grows without air, earth, water or sunlight. In this age of science all investment is supposed to depend on this magic. YIKES!!!

My advisor and deep trance remote viewing medium, Loco Lolla, in past life was the first woman Jesuit at the 1555 Vatican offers advice. She is unkind about Pres. Trump. Her T shirts says dump trump. She agrees that Hollywood preconditioning by way of MK Ultra or Pegasus or some other mind control program is essential for choosing US presidents. 

Once in office they will be directed by the RNMCM program  (Remote Neural Monitoring Control and Manipulation) program that runs under control of the 303 committee and operated by DARPA as directed by BIZWOG. This is a total mind control program that can target anybody in the world, she says. I check her breath for alcohol. This program can control all decisions of the targeted person, she breathes out testing my reflex. 

The upshot of this story is that Pres Trump is best described as a sort of cartoon figure under control of RNMCM, directed by BIZWOG handlers. Otherwise the nation is dealing with a war minded lunatic in the whitehouse, says my advisor Loco Lolla, the first woman Jesuit.

Tuesday, March 07, 2017



A deep state controls Amurika. It is working to undermine the elected government of Pres. Trump. Some are saying it is the Deep State that has been the real power of government for decades. They pretend to fear President Donald Trump. Rather they actually fear the electorate that rejected the choice of dynasty politics of a Bush or Clinton.

There is talk about the 303 committee, The Secret Group and the 5412 committee and perhaps the K Street lobby crowd that have directed the thoughts of the National Security Council and the CIA and indirectly the FBI. The fact that these groupings have since the beginning been the tentacles of BIZWOG, British-Israel Zionist World Occupation Government control over the USA is unthinkable to the US voter.

These committees and groups have been formed by careful selection and grooming over the past generations to perform as required. One might say they have been a century in the making. In fact it was in a fit of over confidence they actually allowed the idea of a Deep State to be entertained by media during this last election. It was considered a gentle distraction from the growing dissent about the Anglo-Hebraic religion of central banking. Read book; MONEY the 12th and FINAL RELIGION.

The fact that they lost control of the election has disturbed them beyond reason. The idea that power could be slipping out of their reach is terrifying to the deep state of  BIZWOG. My advisor and deep trance medium Loco Lola from her past life as the first woman Jesuit in the 1555 Vatican says read book; THE AMERICAN CALIPHATE OF BIZWOG; The Final World Order.

Loco Lolla through her past life mediumship has been able to experience the worlds first super power of the Spanish Court and the ordeal of the Vatican experiencing the wonders of discovering the new world. She says the stress level in the Vatican theology department during this period was equivalent to a Defcom five by modern pentagon standards.

Loco says conditions at the BIZWOG cohort are similar to those old days of the Spanish Court when she was Queen Juanna before taking vow as first woman Jesuit. Jealousies, envy and hate is rampant among the Anglo-Hebraic circle of finance that creates credit. At LIBOR ritual at Bank Of England some are reluctant to wear Hebrew (Solomon)Temple head gear for rate setting ceremony.

Some are saying raise interest rates to maximize interest from Trump infrastructure plans. The eventual result will be Trump debt bankrupts Merika. Immense short sale profit possibilities here for BIZWOG.  Others are saying do not raise rates because interest cost will provoke creating interest free money like Lincoln Greenback used to pay for civil war. No body will make any interest. Loco will keep us posted on developments, she says.

The good Professor C More Books says the work of the BIZWOG Deep State is already evident in the rush by the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates just as soon as Trump advanced in the polls. Now rates are promised to increase month to month by Fed experts.

The higher the rates the quicker the debt doubles. At 1% debt would double every 72 years. At 3% debt will double every 24 years. At 6% debt will double every 12 years. When infrastructure money is created from nothing by banks, why should interest be a controlling factor when the issue is safe infrastructure and standard of living? The Prof is asking a rhetorical question we are supposed to know.

He says read books; MONEY the 12th and FINAL RELIGION snd the deep state expose THE AMERICAN CALIPHATE of BIZWOG; The Final World Order. Available on PDF both for $!0..

Monday, January 09, 2017


Thought changes with each astronomical age. The capacity of people to relate to gods changes dramatically. For example prior to Pisces era, the dominant god for Aries was Mithra. Then came Pisces and the guy in the diaper nailed on two sticks. Now there is the coming of the age of Aquarius. It is proposed by the Mayan prophecy that this will be the age when tools rebel against the user and the end of the age of the word of God.

My advisor and deep trance medium, Loco Lola, the first woman Jesuit in her past life at the 1555 Vatican, has been in spirit contact on this matter. I probe her finding about the end of the age of the word of God. I am curious about what is the word, and which God is in play here.

Loco is prompt in reply. She says the word is money and the god is Moloch, god of perpetual debt, money at interest and stock exchange finance. Read MONEY the 12th and FINAL RELIGION, she directs. Also, THE AMERICAN CALIPHATE of BIZWOG, the final world order should be read. She says both are available on pdf for $10.00 US.

Loco says the cosmos provides consciousness to the brain according to the astronomical age. The Brain was designed since the beginning as a receiver of consciousness. The past age of Pisces with its old guy swindling the Egyptians, the younger guy walking on water in a diaper to be nailed on two sticks until dead to rise again and the camel driver mounting an 8 year old girl for a bride have all become an offense to cosmic order. Their cooperation has subjected nature and persons to the rules of Moloch, God of money. This collaboration has imperiled the cosmic obligation of justice. The courts decide in favor of banks and stock exchanges. The people suffer poverty in a planet of plenty.

Watch for the breakdown of the mythology of the Moloch, she cautioned. Banks are desperate to conceal the hoax that deposits of savings are necessary for lending for investment, when we know that all money for loans for investment is created from thin air. They are hard pressed to justify a tolerance for the pitiful amounts treasured by depositors. 

A small fee for deposit safekeeping is now the mode for bankers tired of unkempt and often ill behaved people. The captive media call it negative interest rates and suggest that interest rates are the essential tool motivating investment. YIKES! This could be the tool that will rebel against its users. So says Loco Lola from centuries of deep trance evaluation. Interest on money has always been a  violation of the cosmic balance ordered in that first rule of Hammaurabi. The rich and powerful must be prevented from exploiting the poor.

I mention gold. Loco laughes at the absurd ratios being fostered by financial wizards that speciously connect GDP numbers with gold prices and dollar exchange rates. All make believe, she says. The entire gold debate is to conceal the swindle in place with interest rates on credit cards., and to a certain extend by student loans. Again a life time burden for money created from thin air.  The swindle is to encourage spending when the person has no money. Then there can be a loan created from thin air on real assets to pay the balance. In time an entire people can become homeless thanks to interest on loans.

The prophecy says in so many words that a money system based upon debt that pays interest is IMPOSSIBLE. A central banking system is best described as a swindle. A cosmic struggle is underway. It is a test to decide if the Moloch, God of perpetual debt, money at interest and stock exchange swindle finance, hiding in plain sight behind Pisces age religions, is to prevail or not.

Amen Thanks R Duane Willing

Tuesday, October 11, 2016



Tension has come again to the American dinner table. A sense of the unpleasant prevails in conversation. Who will win the election? A choice is offered. Criminal women with history in homicide. Or vulgar businessman who builds things.

For example, criminal reports tell us that Kaddafi, wounded, surrendered, pleading for mercy, was disemboweled by bayonet while the US Secretary of State clucks approval. Polls report it is big bucks Donald saying dreadful things that inspire the people and offend the political elite.

Media has no favor for Donald and is silent on Hillary celebrating bayonet entering Kaddafi anal cavity for carving away the intestines until dead. A friend in little Rock falsely accused put in solitary confinement dies deprived of essential heart medication, but that is another story.

Not happy character options for choice to be president of the military super power, some say. My advisor and deep trance medium is now in contact with her past life as first woman Jesuit at 1555 Vatican is concerned.  We call her Loco Lola when she is like this.

I suggest there is no worry because the congress is at work. Spontaneous laughter from all present registers my ignorance. Coongrrress they below in unison as if I had made a joke. Loco Lola is about to speak when Prof C More Books interrupts. The structure of separation of powers no longer works.

The global communication and banking structure has made it obsolete. Instead of being a balance of powers it is a network to conceal and facilitate money privilege and corporate power. The powerful even control the supreme court to make it unlawful not to purchase health insurance. The courts system now guarantees profit and revenue to private corporations under penalty of law. Extortion, one might say. Others say state capitalism another name for Bolshevism.

There is no limit on election finance spending by corporations and secret groups. It is pretense to regard the govt departments as separate powers balancing interests. The govt is really a concentration of power to deliver privlege to the few, if you know how to work the levers of power, mumbles the Prof.

         Loco speaks. It is all about the domination of labor by capital, she says. The Moloch, God of perpetual debt, money at interest and stock exchange (mortgage swindle) finance has been unleashed by Clerical error. It is prophecy. It has come quietly in the past one hundred years in the shadow of the mistaken but popular belief in democracy. When capital prevails over people as in the worship of markets and multiculturalism the word democracy no longer means the people, but is derived from the word daemon which mean devil.

         This devil prevails over judgement to drive people to believe in smart bombs and such obscenities as conscript of women for battle. The fact that none of these issues are central part of the current political debate is proof of the devil, she says. “Take that all you atheists,” I say in surprise response.

Loco has been reading in the two books offered here for $10.00 pdf, MONEY The 12th and FINAL RELIGION and THE AMERICAN CALIPHATE of BIZWOG, The Final World Order. BIZWOG is for BRITISH-ISRAEL ZIONIST WORLD OCCUPATION GOVERNMENT, a logical example of Anglo-Hebraic take-over of US Money and policy for the past 100 years.

Monday, September 05, 2016



It is unkind to assert that something as hopeful as civil rights could have a deleterious outcome on society. My advisor and deep trance medium, Loco Lola says the facts are cruel as they are diabolical. Relations among races are more stressed today than before civil rights. Individual Whites on a street encountering blacks in groups see danger. Police in conduct of duty fire weapons as culprits mock the law. Regardless of crime, the black victim claims his rights were violated.

Black pride seems buttressed by refusing police instructions. Black groups organize in defiance of the true circumstances as in black lives matter mobs and demonstrations. Loco Lola gets like this when speaking from her past life as the first woman Jesuit at the 1555 Vatican. She says the media is complicit.

 She says the USA at one time before dominance of public policy by the code word civil rights, the accepted rule for social relations between blacks and whites was “separate but equal.”  Streets were basically safe for both blacks and whites. Gun battles in black neighborhoods were rare. Police were seldom called to fire weapons in conduct of law enforcement. The idea of patrolling in bullet proof vests was absurd.

Although not ever perfected in practice, “separate but equal,” was a work in progress. It was a guide enforced in a major or lessor degree in the nation. The prospect of being accosted or harmed while passing through a black neighborhood because one was white was perhaps a worry but unlikely event. Now to stray as a white person into some inner city areas is certain trouble possible serious harm. Seen as a violation of Black territorial integrity, white presence is confronted as an intrusion on rights.

How did all the apparent well meaning of civil rights degenerate so consistently during the past 50 years. First came hollywood sex implied multiculturalism, then a degenerate moral stance supporting public display of sexual deviance. Males mock females by sex role playing gestures and costumes then came politically correct speech censorship, now finally a broad reaching sense of danger and overbearing intrusion of the degenerate pervades the streets of America in cities large and small..

Who in their right mind would support this descending moral order in graduated steps? First from diversity, then to decadence, on to degeneracy and finally to danger. Check the ever expanding record of drugs on the streets, pornography on media net work, school violence, obscene language and contempt for teachers in class rooms, media support for groups using rights to pursue false and deviant public displays. Who profits from this?

Or was civil rights a propaganda code word for an attack on American culture itself.  Was it a contrary concept imported for political reasons imposed by foreign designs? If so, who could it be? Not the commies, they fell apart unable to keep their own system alive. Dread the thought that commies were always a red herring to bamboozle straight Americans to ever lower dimensions of mental capacity, chuckles all knowing Loco Lola. She is reading in the Bible Book Revelation something about the Great Merchants.

Loco says the great merchants through lobbying and bribes assume control of governments. Then just as they are about to become all powerful global, their financial system implodes and they fail. The failure is “in one minute” according to the bible.    Read the book; THE AMERICAN CALIPHATE OF BIZWOG; Final world order, she says. BIZWOG (British-Israel Zionist World Occupation Government) is the contemporary version of the great merchants of the bible. Central bank globalism is the desired objective of BIZWOG with its NAFTA, WTO, NATO, IMF etc, offers Loco Lola from her past life as Queen Juana, the first of seven woman Jesuits in 1555.

Our conversation is interrupted by the arrival of our disheveled and annoyed Prof C More Books, although disdained by broader academia, he is all knowing on any subject, he declares. “Loco is out of her mind,” snarls our prof. “Too Much time with ETs ,” he says. “The impending troubles of the great merchants, which includes all corporations, is about politics not finance,” he says. “ The use of corporate structure is made unstable by the notion of two different understandings of the Biblical Jew,” he says. “Although currently in alliance, the Zionist and the Anglo Saxon are now in sort of a mutual admiration society which could easily become a death grip, if things go wrong,” he says.

“Watch the signs for a betrayal of interests between the UK and Israel. This will spell trouble for world corporations especially if Israel tries to double cross the Bank of England by trying to unilaterally control the US Federal Reserve system after the next election,” he chuckles. It has been the Anglo-Hebraic alliance through bank of England dominance of the US through subtle control of the NY Fed branch of the Fed Reserves system that has given BIZWOG world control. It has been this way since killing the Kennedys including young John in his plane crash. Killed the whole damn family and got away with it,” he sighs

It has been the objective of BIZWOG to undermine the capacity of US citizens to think independent of BIZWOG media directed mind control. The 50 year program of civil rights has carefully destabilized  and disconnected the root reasoning of Americans from the real world of their national psyche such as separate but equal. BIZWOG directed immigration flows should finish the job unless interrupted, rumbles our Prof. Read the BIZWOG BOOK he says. It could be helpful if you have any independent mind left after 50years of media directed mind control.

Act now. Book bargain pdf $10,00 for both books. MONEY The 12th and FINAL RELIGION and THE AMERICAN CALIPHATE OF BIZWOG, The Final World Order.